Patio | bolt together - galvanised C section frame - Shed City

Patio | bolt together - galvanised C section frame

Patio | bolt together - galvanised C section frame


Patio | bolt together - galvanised C section frame


Product description

We believe that having a Patio which is stylish & strong as well as functional is the key to a great patio. The robust fully bolted frame and subframe is perfect for added strength. The classic Skillion design can be used to protect your cars, motorbikes, SUV, 4X4 and Caravans as well as being versatile enough to make a wonderful outdoor entertainment area and alfresco. Choosing a Shed City patio from our exclusive designs provides you with a patio structure others only dream about.
Frame Image
Perfect Patio, Alfresco | Entertainment space or exercise area with its bolted structure that, unlike flimsy tek screw frame cousins bracing here & there, provides maximum clear span usable space through all seasons for years to come.

Skillion Roof

3.5mW Skillion x 6m L (2 x bays) x 2.4m Wall height - 5 degree roof pitch Fully bolted Galvanised Clear span portal frame – 75mm SHS Posts and Rafters pre-punched ready to bolt together (no tek screws in frame), C section pre-punched roof purlins for fast bolting together
Colour – 5 Rib High impact Roof (optional Custom Orb Corrugated Roof) .47tct (.42bmt) Colour – Colour – Over & Under Barge flashing, Squareline slotted Spouting, Downpipe, flashings

Don’t pay extra to anchor your Carport - Yes included with your kit extra length in the post for embedding into concrete footings – no concrete floor required
The ideal DIY Kit Delivered to your Door. (within Shed City std delivery area, minimal extra for next zone or FREE collection from our Factory)

Add Extra features:
All designs can include optional extra height, skylights, ventilators, screen walls.

Need a different size?
Call or Email for custom made designs to suit you!

Different options in widths and / or lengths and / or Wall Heights

To view some of our work and designs, come visit our displays in Kilmore, Victoria. If you’re looking for customised shed designs that fit perfectly with your property and needs, then you need Shed City. We will consult on custom shed builds across all of Melbourne and its surrounding regions in Victoria.