Shed City Pty Ltd have available High Quality Steel Roof and Wall Cladding in a variety of styles and fashion colours.  The appealing High Strength Profiles can be adapted to suit a variety of applications, giving you design versatility and a Quality finish to your project.

Ezy Panel Profile Steel Wall Sheets

Ezy Panel is an attractive Low Ribbed Steel Sheeting Profile.  This sheet provides a neat appearance for wall applications only.

Colours -         Zinc and a large range of Colours are available for selection.

Coverage -      Standard 860mm.

Lengths -         Shed City Pty Ltd can roll lengths to suit your needs.

From 100mm up to 9000mm (30’) (long lengths are subject to suitable handling and transport needs being met.)

Accessories -

  • Tec screws in various sizes both plain and coloured are available,
  • Rivets, and
  • a variety of ready made Flashings as well as design specific flashings are available,
  • Touch Up Paint in a variety of matching colours are available.

For advise on specific accessories please call us.

Tolerances -    Length ± 10mm          Width ± 4mm

Specifications & Span – Available Spans Shown are based on Non Cyclonic Areas,

Terrain Category 3, Maximum Internal pressure coefficient +0.2



Tensile Strength


Coating Grade BMT TCT Single Span End Span Internal Span Unstiffened Eave Overhang
Walling 550 AZ150 .42 .47 1800 1800 1800 150
Walling 550 AZ150 .35 .39 1200 1500 1800 150


BMT = Base Metal Thickness    TCT = Total Coated Thickness

Kg Per Lineal Metre:  Zinc    .42 = 3.26 kg   .35 = 2.74 kg    Colour .42 = 3.32 kg .35 = 2.80 kg


For Wind levels exceeding Terrain Category 3 and for Cyclonic Areas required spans will need to be calculated based on local wind design factors.

Fixing Recommendations for Non Cyclonic Areas – Sheets should be laid in the opposite direction to prevailing weather.

Wall Application requires Pan Fixing only with  1 fixing required per pan

Tec Screws Class 3 10-16x16mm with or without neoprene washer.