Reflecta-Resi Plus  - 22.25m x 1350mm x 4mm with 150mmFlap - Special Order - Shed City

Reflecta-Resi Plus - 22.25m x 1350mm x 4mm with 150mmFlap - Special Order


Reflecta-Resi Plus - 22.25m x 1350mm x 4mm with 150mmFlap - Special Order


Reflecta-Resi Plus - 22.25m x 1350mm x 4mm with 150mmFlap - Special Order


Product description
Reflecta-Resi with Flap is the perfect entry level fibre-free insulation choice.
Designed as our entry point product for residential and commercial buildings, Reflecta-Resi with Flap™ has been developed for those who are particularly budget conscious, but who won’t compromise on performance or quality.

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